Polypropylene Padlock Meter Seals (Catalog No. 222)
TESCO Polypropylene Padlock Meter Seals (Catalog No. 222) are a low-cost solution, providing a tamper-evident meter seal. The polypropylene (or HDPE) body and stainless steel hasp make TESCO meter seals ideal for outdoor use. TESCO Meter Seals have a high level of customization, which includes colors, imprinting & barcoding. Customization is available at standard pricing rates.
- Durable polypropylene or HDPE (for colder climates) body, with one piece assembly
- Tamper resistant & tamper indicating design
- Weather resistant
- Custom colors available
- Custom imprinting (company logo, barcode)
- Sequential numbering (7 digit max)