Apply true three phase voltage and current to electric meters, enabling them to be tested under all possible conditions that may be encountered in the field with TESCO’s Three Phase Meter Qualification Board (MQB3).
The MQB3 facilitates the following meter shop functions in high volume:
- New AMI/AMR meters settings check-out
- Meter program updates
- Software revision checking for both the meter and the communications module
- Communications module troubleshooting
- Checking of problem meters for open/shorted elements
With the MQB3, the user has the ability to check meter response to:
- Varying loads over long periods of time to simulate brown out and surge conditions
- Harmonic waveforms (can download custom harmonic waveforms through PC interface)
- Meter power on/off cycling
- Phasor distortion
- Simple, electronically-controlled loading of meters
- Voltage and Current routed to the proper locations on the meter socket based on form selected
- Voltage and Current amplitude adjustable per phase at the keypad
- Current Drive: single range 0.01 to 50A (rms), 70A (peak)
- Back voltage sensing during disconnect testing
- Standard services selectable at the keypad
- User friendly 7″ diagonal, 800×480, TFT color display and keypad for setup
- Phasor relationship between channels (i.e. A to B phase angle) adjustable at the keypad
- Power Factor (phase angle) adjustable at the keypad
- Service disconnect testing through keypad selection
- IR port, radio, and PLC communications testing can be completely checked out for all meters loaded into the board
- Each MQB3 comes with a PC program that can be loaded onto a computer connected to the MQB3’s Ethernet port to replicate the functionality of the display and keyboard on multiple chassis