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Vacuum Assist (Catalog No. 1029)

Vacuum Assist (Catalog No. 1029)

Made in USA

Frustrated by optical pickups and probes that do not stay attached to meter covers? We have a solution!

TESCO’s Vacuum Assist (Catalog No. 1029) actively generates a vacuum that attaches your TESCO optical pickup or probe to the meter and allows hands-free use for the meter tech. No more wasted time during testing or communication work when the pickup or probe falls off.

TESCO’s Vacuum Assist (Cat. 1029) uses a small, quiet USB or battery powered vacuum pump to securely hold pickups and probes in place. This gives meter techs a hands-free meter probe solution to conduct testing.

The Vacuum Assist can be used with TESCO’s Cat. 1037-STND or 1037-DTS Optical Pickups and TESCO’s Cat. 1038 Optical Probe. A convenient carrying case (Cat. 901) is also available that will fit the Vacuum Assist and accessories.


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