Meter Shop Test Records & Operations Management
- Interfaces directly to supported test boards and test kits (from multiple manufactures) to automatically run accuracy tests and record test results.
- TESCO shop test board and field test kits
- PMT test consoles
- WECO test boards (through SDK licensed by PURCHASER from Radian)
- Radian field test kits
- RFL test boards
- Probewell test kits
- Powermetrix test kits
- TESCO (Knopp) Transformer Testing CT/PTs
- Create user defined fields, test tasks/steps, and test sequences
- Sample Testing / Acceptable Qualification Level, AQL, Processing
- Test Board Calibration: Tracks test board standards, calibration due date, required test schedule, tested by, traceability to NIST, and tracking of other test equipment and required calibrations
- Configurable pass/fail/warning test limits
- Import / Export test results
- Import Work orders